Each transaction on the blockchain incurs a transaction fee based on a tiered pricing structure, meaning fees are determined by transaction size or network activity levels. These fees can vary significantly, making it important to monitor crypto transactions closely. A user can identify patterns and develop strategies to minimize costs by analyzing transaction history. Viewing transaction history can help with tracking and transaction analysis.
A cryptocurrency holder can perform transaction tracking in various ways, such as utilizing the search function on a blockchain explorer. This article provides a step-by-step guide on checking crypto transaction logs and where to find the historical data, which is crucial for transaction analysis.
Where to check crypto transactions history
Users can employ several strategies for transaction viewing:
1. Blockchain explorer
Blockchain explorers are blockchain-specific, meaning they only work with the particular blockchain they’re designed for. A blockchain explorer is a tool that reveals records on the crypto ledger.
Most explorers are open to the public, enabling the viewing of all transactions initiated and completed on a blockchain network. Each entry contains transaction details, such as the amount, timestamp and the sender and receiver’s address.
Blockchain explorers have an intuitive user interface (UI), allowing users to search for all transactions, blocks, wallet addresses and digital asset history. It keeps track of all cryptocurrency records, enabling the confirmation of transaction status, block and wallet balance. A blockchain explorer can help diagnose a transaction or wallet balance issue.
Examples of cryptocurrency explorers include:
- btcscan.org/ – Bitcoin
- etherscan.io – Ethereum
- solscan.io – Solana
- live.blockcypher.com/ltc/ – Litecoin
- bithomp.com/explorer – XRP
A user can use the explorer to verify the transaction history details of a wallet by entering the wallet’s address in the explorer’s search bar. This method is also effective for a cold wallet, which is not connected to the internet, by first securely accessing the address of the cold wallet to search for its transaction history. Before using this functionality, taking appropriate security measures to protect your funds and private keys is crucial.
2. Crypto wallet
If the searcher used a wallet to transfer tokens, they can use its cryptocurrency records to access the transaction history. A wallet records all the registered incoming and outgoing transactions in the history section of the wallet. Click any transaction to view its details.

3. Third-party services
Some third-party platforms can offer insights into transaction histories as they can provide a feed of all transactions. These platforms have a user-friendly interface that displays aggregated data from a blockchain.
Most third-party platforms allow users to view transactions on desktops or smart devices. They allow users to filter transactions using parameters, such as the amount, date and transaction or token type, presenting the results in an easy-to-understand format.
Similarly, the cryptocurrency market has plenty of crypto wallet tracker tools that help track wallet transactions. By entering the search query, a user will gain access to transaction history, investment patterns and potentially some wallet-holder information (if the network allows for reduced anonymity).
4. Downloading the entire blockchain
Expert users can download the entire blockchain history by running a full node. This gives them offline access to local searches rather than relying on online resources.
However, running a full archival node can be resource-intensive and requires significant storage space. For instance, it is not unusual for the node to require 340 gigabytes of space the first time a user runs it.
How to view crypto transaction history on a blockchain explorer
Users may follow these steps when using a blockchain explorer to view transaction history:
Step 1: Go to the search field on the blockchain explorer.
Step 2: Enter the details of the crypto transaction. The explorer allows users to search by different parameters like the sender’s or receiver’s address, transaction ID, transaction date or the block hash where the transaction data is stored.
If the results do not display after entering the search query, click “search” or the search button to start the search.

Step 3: If the user enters the right transaction details on the search bar, they will receive a result or a list of the possible results that could match the transaction under search.
To find a particular transaction, enter the exact details of the transaction, such as the transaction hash or the exact amount sent.
Step 4: Click on the desired transaction to enter the transaction page, which provides further details about the transaction. View or download/export the transaction(s) for analysis, or copy a transaction ID and send it to anyone needing proof.
How to utilize a blockchain explorer to view wallet history
Instead of logging into a wallet to view transaction history, a user can follow these steps to view the transaction history of a crypto wallet:
Step 1: Go to the search bar of a blockchain explorer.
Step 2: Enter the exact wallet address on the search bar. It’s preferable to copy-paste the address from the wallet app to avoid errors. Click the “search” or search button.
N/B: Ensure the wallet under search is compatible with the blockchain explorer.
Step 3: The search results will display the entire digital currency history and the assets present in the wallet. View the different categories, including analytics and public comments on the wallet.

How to use wallet activity to view transaction history
The multichain Exodus wallet is used for illustrative purposes to access wallet transaction history:
Step 1: After logging into Exodus, click the wallet icon.

Step 2: Locate and click the portfolio button. Users with multiple portfolios should click the corresponding portfolio for which they want to view the transaction history. Those with only one portfolio should skip to step 3.
Step 3: Click the profile button at the bottom. Select the history button to view historical transactions.

Step 4: To narrow the search, click the “All” drop-down menu to filter the transactions using options like sent, received or exchanged transactions.

Step 5: Click on a transaction to view its details.
How to use third-party services to view the transaction history
The Exodus platform will be used to illustrate the use of third-party services for accessing blockchain history:
Step 1: Click/tap the “History” icon on the Exodus desktop or mobile app. Users should click/tap the portfolio they want to view. If users do not have multiple portfolios, they should skip to the next step.

Step 2: Filter the results using the “All assets” drop-down menu. The drop-down menu lets users filter results by sent, received and swapped categories. This assists in narrowing down the results, making it easier to locate particular transactions.

Step 3: Click any individual transaction to scrutinize its details.
Viewing transaction histories by downloading a blockchain
The Bitcoin network will be used for illustrative purposes.
Step 1: Start the initial block download (IBD) process, which involves downloading the entire blockchain and then verifying the blocks. Although the installation process provides a wallet, it only stores and records transactions after installation.

Step 2: Open the Bitcoin blocks subdirectory to view transaction history. Note that it will show all Bitcoin transactions, not just the users’.
Since the transactions are indecipherable as they are .dat files, build or link a wallet interface/a web front end that installs a blockchain explorer UI. The wallet or explorer will visually represent the data, making it easier to understand.

Step 3: If the user installed the wallet or blockchain explorer interface, follow the steps provided in the wallet and explorer sections above to view transaction histories.
How to find lost crypto transactions
For an investor, tracking out misplaced or lost cryptocurrency transactions can be a tedious experience. The first thing to do is to review existing records in detail. This includes looking through a cryptocurrency wallet’s transaction history, reviewing exchange statements to look for missing transactions, and looking through emails to find confirmations from exchanges or wallets.
The transaction can be tracked using a blockchain explorer for the relevant cryptocurrency if a fragment of the transaction hash or wallet address is known. If investors need help finding the lost transaction history, they may also contact their exchange support or wallet provider.
Specialized data recovery services for lost cryptocurrency transactions are also available; however, they should be utilized cautiously because they may involve costs, and scams are unfortunately prevalent in this area. Furthermore, to prevent the headache of lost transactions, investors should diligently maintain organized wallet histories, save all exchange statements, and archive any emails or bank statements related to their cryptocurrency transactions.